Greetings readers it has been a long time Jewels I hope everyone has had a wonderful weekend 🙂 did you check out the new website ? I have created a customer service module training program and I will be having other goodies availble shortly however I am aesthetic about the resources that will be avaiable and how the foundation is moving forward establishing partnership world wide. We have foundation accessories and apparel wear to boost your confidence coming soon , and the foundation has mentors and leaders who will be ready to service any Jewel in need who needs help no matter what she is facing during this time of need.. I hope you have been staying safe and implementing the Social distance requirements that are in place, including wearing your mask in public. We have so much to catch up on and remember you can join me every other Tuesday at 11am on BBSradio/Allroads 65 where I am disccussing Truth about the focus and the passion of my focal point lol I have a special guest featured on the show August 25th at 11am  with the beautiful Ms. Jennifer Kelnter who is passionate about her spiritual focus about girl trafficking. As always Jewels you can join me in a private setting by becoming a member at this is where I am giving you insight one on one by offering optional Tiers and surprises. Also I am always vocal at pamelahInspiresJewel on Instagram 🙂 until next time readers stay safe and do register to vote their is change in the Air !!! from a true Sapphire herself Pamela L Henderson 🙂 and I leave you with this quote of the day…

Quote . Respect is the most important elelment of your personality. It is like an investment, Whatever we give to others, it will return to us with profit…….Boss Jewel Cup