Greetings readers I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend 🙂 with all the chaos of war, religion differences, moral and Integrity issues that are the core values of who each individual stands by and shootings that are happening in the world today 🙁 one of the subjects that captured my heart and attention was the killing of a Jewel that was senseless and alarming. I am sure everyone has either read or watched YouTube or the news article about the death of Shanquella Robinson R.I.P who was vacationing with her friends. I am a mother and I absolutely understand the pain her family is going through especially her mother that I am proud of for taking responsibility for her daughter because No mother! would want to receive such news about their daughter being killed amongst friends or who became a victim of domestic violence. I am a advocate regards to this type of behavior that I discuss in my book “A Journey of a Sapphire” because it is so important to learn how to recognize behavioral problems. Mental health is an important part of our overall health and well-being that includes mental, emotional, and behavioral well-being. It affects how we think, feel, and act. It also plays a role in how we handle stress, relate to others, and make healthy choices for ourselves and the Use of alcohol or drugs which is the number one light bulb that turns on! that you need to pay close attention to especially during a altercation or a disagreement. Per the CDC 1 in 25 Americans lives with a serious mental or behavioral illness, such as jealousy, bipolar disorder, or major depression of envy of being miss judged or not liked because of ! is a gun pointed at your head. I can go on and on ! about this matter and I advocate this to many girls who are in a circle of friends to make sure that in life ! we will be challenged emotionally by our BBF, family and others even on social media that we call haters who are really our fans 🙂 that when you are on your journey this thing we call life is a book that only you are the director and to know and to take responsibility for yourself and to know when to cut stress, anxiety, doubt and chaos out your life and journey on with a smile 🙂 again our hearts go out to Shanquella’s family may justice be your testimony God Bless ! I want to give a big king hat to Mr. Kyrie Irvine who is the point guard for the Brooklyn Nets who has shown the world how philanthropist stands in their Integrity! not just a organization that gives! he is a donor who gives such things of services that donates to a cause that is in need:) God Bless…

I was reading an article by the Science who highlights that Negative impacts of jealousy operate through different gendered pathways. Overall, jealousy was common in both settings, and led to relationship challenges including breakdown of trust; quarrels about resources; conflict, controlling behaviors, and ultimately, physical and emotional IPV. Also reading the article by Renee Wade, “The Feminine Women” who states =Jealous and envious women can be women on the street whom you don’t know, and this is an experience I have noticed on my journey LOL or even a jealous friend or friends, in the form of ‘frenemies’ frenemy is a friend who seems like a friend, and other times seems to want the worst for you.) If you’ve always been a beautiful and feminine woman, you would have experienced countless jealous looks and perhaps even jealous schemes, engineered by other women. It’s everywhere and you can be a plain Jane and cause this jealous stir among other women, because you have something other women feel they do not, the amazing and mysterious force of femininity. I had interviewed in my last article about the “Seven Queendoms” with Dr. Rima Bonario who shared her insight and her book that entails who you are wearing your crown such as the Visionary Queen, The Empowered Queen”, The Expressive Queen’, The Devine Queen’, The passionate Queen’, and The Grounded Queen’, these characteristics and how does one show up and grow within is absolutely vital for our Soul Jewel’s so remember that ! and learn how to recognize the jealousy traits and stand firm of being your authentic self-such as I because I change for no one but God…..

I absolutely love the conversations I have with thought leaders who bring their “A” game and solutions per their opinion such as Guest, Geralyn Ritter, Health Care Policy Expert and Author who talks about her book of overcoming trauma and healing that I am praying for this entire Nation towards healing. Well readers I have reached my destination 🙂 until next time stay warm, stay safe from a true Sapphire herself Pamela L Henderson please subscribe to the Sapphire Journey news and be inspired “Cheers” check out the link readers and I leave you with this quote…

Quote: There is no gate, no lock no bolt that you can set upon the freedom of my mind ” Virginia Woolf”