Greetings Jewel’s I hope everyone is having a great day 🙂 did you know that chaos is like a cloud floating amongst us in the clouds ? I have come to realization with this concern as I read the statistics from Action report  on the International  child abduction article 🙁 it saddens me to hear about in Nigeria their were over 300 gilrs who were kidnapped from there school. The concern of girls who have taken vacations in Jamaica end up experiencing stress full harassment and some sort of bondage when vacationing at certain hotels. Also the needed ongoing attention here in the United States regarding  Teen trafficking ! this Billion dollar venture. Not only are we faced with protecting ourselves from the uprise of diseases such as the Covid-19 and the other cold like flu  like  SARS-CoV-2.  The public health measures taken to stem the spread of SARS-CoV-2 which has been responsible for the deaths of more than 207,000 people in the U.S. not counting the Covid-19 deaths or what about the chaos at the State capital that put our Political leaders and the State police and other citizens in harms way ! and we can not forget  about the Texas Infrastructure that had failed, and the racism amongst our Asian friends, I am so proud of NBA player on the Warriors team Jeremy Lin who has spoken out and acknowledging the on going rasicm against  Asians,  it is wrong !  and I hope Dr Martin Luther Kings message ‘Where do we go from here resonates with the world because without Diversity we die Within’  should I go on ! this will have you on a emotional roller coaster.

It was a releif to know that through these hard times their is hope, promise, trust to allow us to be optimistic and this is my point I am making today Jewel’s 🙂 I had read today from KQED news that as of March 2, 2021 that the Nigerian schoolgirls were released after armed kidnapping 🙂  this is Gods work I am so elated that they have returned home to their parents and I will continue to follow up regarding this horrific story and I hope they are emotionally and physically healthy. I am happy to hear from the Nigerian President  Muhammadu Buhari who has stated that he had taken part and joined the affected families regards to their safe return without incident. I am also releived that  the U.S Leaders are taking a stance against violence amongst women and children,  regards to teen trafficking and how Parents or legal guardians reporting abductions occurring after April 1, 2019 between the United States and Jamaica will now be able to apply for their children’s return under the Convention. Parents may also apply for access to children through either the USCA or the Jamaican Central Authority under the Convention, as appropriate.  So jewel’s please understand that their is a need for us too to take responsibility for ourselves, however you are not alone here at 65 Max Foundation my focus is to help give the resources that are needed for you to become Independent and confident no matter what life has thrown your way 🙂 smile and do like I have done make lemenade and read the article below regarding this strange floating ship ? yes what are your thoughts, until next time  lol I leave you with this quote 🙂 Courage is not having the strength to go on, It’s going on when you do not have the strength ‘Theodore Roosevelt’ and please subscribe on my 65 and follow me on my IG/PamelahInspiresJewel have a fabulous weekend from a true Sapphire herself…